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“We have successfully used Milliput to seal through deck fittings of all kinds, to seal between the mast tabernacle and the deck, to plug holes where fittings no longer required have been removed, to bond glass into the frames of deck lights and the glass into our skylight. It is now part of our permanent inventory of repair materials – we wouldn’t sail without it.”
Sylvia Murphy
“I have been using Milliput for well over 25 years. I was a plumber by trade and I found it to be God’s gift to plumbers in many ways. I cannot recommend it enough, does what it says on the pack. Everyone should keep some in their tool box. I have even stuck a spark plug in a cylinder head with a stripped thread and ran it for months until I did a permanent fix. I hope my words help promote Milliput because it is a good honest product.”
Bob Griffiths, Redditch