Mylands Woodfinishing Oil combines the hard wearing properties of Tung Oil and other quality oil resins. Finishing Oil is suitable for all interior wood work, especially kitchen work surfaces, tables and other furniture which are in constant use.
Woodfinishing Oil is resistant to alcohol, water and heat.
Also suitable as a high quality exterior (teak) wood oil.
Remove old finishes with paint or varnish remover before application of Finishing Oil. Old oiled or waxed surfaces should be cleaned with Mylands Special De-waxing Solution or slightly abraded with fine abrasive paper or steel wool before re-application. To stain the wood use Mylands water based wood dyes or light fast stains. Apply the first coat of Mylands Finishing Oil with a cloth and leave a thin even film on the surface. Allow to dry for a minimum of 12 hours before subsequent thin applications of Mylands Finishing Oil. Finishing Oil can be applied with a French polish rubber (a piece of mutton cloth (stockinette) or wadding surrounded by lint free cotton made into a flat bottom pad). Cut back lightly between coats with 320 grade paper or 0000 steel wool. After curing time of seven days Finishing Oil can be over waxed for decorative furniture. This finishing system is also applicable to wood turning.
Do not leave oily cloths rolled or screwed up as they can self combust. Leave open to dry and then dispose of. Always test product on an off cut of wood or an inconspicuous area of furniture to check desired colour and finished results. Clean working surfaces that have been oiled with a damp cloth.
10 – 12 square metres per litre.
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