Showing 1–12 of 41 results

Tormek T2 Pro Kitchen

138.500 kr.

Tormek T-2 Pro Kitchen Knife Sharpener is a knife sharpening system adapted and certified for commercial use. For the devoted home chef we offer the Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener.

  • Professional sharpening in 60 seconds.
  • Quick and easy setup.
  • Patented guide provides a consistent angle and smooth bevel.

Tormek T-8 hverfissteinn

138.500 kr.
Nett hágæða brýnsluvél frá Tormek - Frábær lausn fyrir þá sem vilja hafa verkfærin sín 100%, ekki aðeins hárbeitt heldur að þau endist vel og lengi. Mjög fáar lausnir hafa svo nákvæm lönd og stillingar til að brýna eggjárnin eins og best verður á kosið.

Sjobergs Nordic Plus 1450 Bench

136.500 kr.

Hágæða hefilbekkur frá Sjöbergs í Svíþjóð – Stálhundar fylgja – Heildarlengd: 1470mm með 500mm disk – Heildarbreidd: 630mm – Þykkt: 85mm – Vinnuhæð: 860m – Þyngd: 31 kg

Hægt er að panta með Skápaeiningu í bekkinn (nr. s33374)

  • Sturdy under frame from Scandinavian pine
  • Hard Nordic birch top built to last
  • Double row of dog holes from each vice location

Tormek T4 Original hverfissteinn

87.500 kr.

Nett hágæða brýnsluvél frá Tormek – Frábær lausn fyrir þá sem vilja hafa verkfærin sín 100%, ekki aðeins hárbeitt heldur að þau endist vel og lengi. Mjög fáar lausnir hafa svo nákvæm lönd og stillingar til að brýna eggjárnin eins og best verður á kosið.  ATH. stýringar allskonar eru í boði á vélina en seljast sér, bæði í boði sem stakar stýringar og  einnig í boði 2 gerðir af settum í tösku.

Axcaliber Rammahnífur: MT1

87.450 kr.

Axminster Rammahnífur - Flugbeitt stálblöð - Langt handfang - Stopparar á 0°og 45°- Hámarksstærð sem tækið tekur: 100mm hátt og um 150mm breitt á 90°.

  • Trim off fine shavings for the most precise mitres
  • Shearing action results in a glass like finish on end grain
  • Substantial machined cast iron, razor sharp, tool steel blades
  • Long operating lever with rack and pinion mechanism

UJK fræsiborð minnsta

78.500 kr.
  • Benchtop accuracy and versatility for compact 1/4" routers
  • Perfect for small runs of mouldings and fine routing
  • Fully functional and portable with a small footprint

Bandslípivél AW200BDS

78.500 kr.
  • Motor - 550W, induction quiet, direct drive
  • Versatile sanding positions. belt being used in different positions
  • Integrated fan for improved extraction when used with extractor
  • Modern design and steel and cast construction

Standborvél Workshop AW285PD

78.500 kr.

Okkar netta bílskúrs/skóla standborvél sem er vinsælasta standborvélin okkar. 

Sjálfherðanleg patróna,legur góðar og því nokkuð hljóðlát í vinnu.

  • Small bench pillar drill for hobby use, all cast iron construction
  • Smooth running 250W induction motor, 5 belt speeds 600-2,500rpm
  • Spindle running in high quality bearings

Rennibekkur AW205WL Workshop

68.500 kr.
  • Compact lathe with the capacity for goblets, boxes, small bowls
  • Variable speed; cast iron construction for trouble free operation
  • Portable enough to take along to a craft fair or demonstration

Rafhlöðuskrúfjárn KS/A m bitum

49.990 kr.

Key Features

  • Accurate torque control from 0.25Nm to 5Nm
  • 2 speed gearbox for drilling or screwdriving
  • Hinged body for improved access in tight spaces
  • Auto Lock spindle feature for extra tightening by hand
  • Bright LED work light illuminates the working area
  • Supplied with battery, charger, 9 bits and storage case

Bandslípivél AC150BDS

49.860 kr.

Vinsælasta stærð af bandslípivélum enda í millistærð sem hentar mörgum.

Eigum úrval af böndum í vélina allt frá 60 grid uppí 600 grid og slípidiska í nokkrum grófleikum.

  • Compact, neatly designed 100mm belt and 150mm disc sander
  • Tilting table with mitre fence for sanding compound angles
  • Close fitting guarding helps achieve high level of extraction

Leatherman Surge

49.500 kr.
All Locking Features
Every feature (except the plier head) locks into place, so you can use the tools safely and effectively.
Lanyard Ring
This secure ring attaches the tool safely and securely to a lanyard.
Outside-accessible Features
This multi-tool features tools that are accessible while the tool is in its folded or closed position.
One-hand Operable Features
Keep one hand free. Open and use features on this tool with one hand.