Lerkiplatti: #4

1.990 kr.
Form: sneiðar - Trjátegund: Íslenskt Lerki Stærðarflokkur: 4

Dílastangir: 3mm – 5stk

1.985 kr.
Dílastangir úr beiki - 498mm á lengd - 3mm þykkt.

Linditré SKEIÐ

1.890 kr.

Get ready for wooden spoon carving! This spoon carving blank is made from light and soft linden wood. It has an excellent shape, you just need to design and finish your artwork. Having carved the workpiece, you can paint it, cover with varnish or natural oil. The wood carving blank is great both for beginners and professionals woodcarvers.

Linditré SKEIÐ lítil

1.758 kr.

Elevate your culinary experience with the B9 Basswood Wooden Blank by BeaverCraft, an excellent wood blank designed for carving a soup spoon. Crafted with precision and finesse, this beautiful wood blank is the ideal foundation for creating a personalized kitchen utensil that combines functionality and aesthetics.

Lerkiplatti: #3

1.270 kr.
Form: sneiðar - Trjátegund: Íslenskt Lerki Stærðarflokkur: 3

Trédiskur 250mm

1.170 kr.

3mm krossviður í góðum gæðum.

Auðvelt að mála, bæsa, saga og líka frábært að brenna mynstur og nöfn með brennipenna

Trédílar riffl.8mm*80cmx5stk.

970 kr.

Rifflaðar stangir úr góðum beyki harðvið

Trédílar riffl.6mm*80cmx5stk.

970 kr.

Rifflaðar stangir úr góðum beyki harðvið