Showing 1–12 of 21 results

GRS Gravermach NÝI

590.926 kr.

Designed for artisans seeking the most advanced and intuitive air system available, the GraverMach® AT delivers a substantial increase in power while preserving the delicate startup needed for precision cutting.


GRS GraverMax G8

486.490 kr.

This engraving system gives each handpiece excellent range of power with perfect control throughout an expanded range of impact speeds.The GraverMax G8 features 400-8000 strokes per minute, a throttle bias adjustment valve for tailoring throttle response, and a dual-stage precision air regulator.

GRS GraverMax NÝR

436.949 kr.

For decades, artisans, luxury stone setters and production setters have relied on the GraverMax®. This workhorse provides a significant increase in power while maintaining the delicate startup essential for precision cutting.

GRS Graversmith NÝR

360.914 kr.

For decades, artisans, luxury stone setters and production setters have relied on the GraverMax®. This workhorse provides a significant increase in power while maintaining the delicate startup essential for precision cutting.

GRS Graversmith

340.084 kr.

Þetta er óýrasta og einfaldasta útgáfan af gæða grafvélum frá GRS.  Hentar vel bæði í málmgröft og steinaísettningar.  ATh. hnífar og handfang er ekki innifalið í þessu verði.

This new power tool offers basic work capability and pneumatic impact power for stone setting and engraving. It is ideal for production stone setters, multiple factory installations, and individual craftsmen on a budget.

• Ready for both hobby and repetitive production line use
• Designed to be ultra-durable for many work environments
• Compatible with time-saving hand and foot control switching (not included)

GRS handfang QC 901

117.481 kr.

Get breakthrough impact technology with fine control and a huge range of power. The comfortable, compact shape has an adjustable side hose connection. It fits most engraving and stone setting needs, including micro engraving, deep relief work, and bead raising/hammer setting. Made from fully heat-treated stainless steel.

GRS QC Monarch AT

109.579 kr.

This is the finest impact handpiece for confident execution of ultra-fine engraving, including bulino and banknote styles. The Monarch features heat-treated stainless steel construction with an adjustable side hose connection. For Airtact. Including misc. accessories.

Length: 59 mm

Weight: 51 g

Proxxon Tálguvél: MOS

43.980 kr.
Frá Proxxon í Þýskalandi kemur þessi magnaða tálguvél. Þrír skurðarhnífar fylgja með: U laga - V laga og sléttur. Kemur í sterkri plasttösku. Mótor: 50W - Snúningshraði: 10.000rpm - Lengd: 23cm - Þyngd: 680grömm. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Pfeil Fiðlujárn: 30mm

17.720 kr.
Frá Pfeil í Sviss - Útskurðarjárn sem er sérstaklega hannað í fiðlugerð - Stærð: 30mm

Flexcut sett í útsk.vjel 4stk

12.860 kr.
  • Fjögur grunnjárn sem bæði má nota beint í útskurðarvélina okkar (Proxxon MSG nr. 28644) og einnig beint í handfangið frá Flexcut nr. RG102)
  • Super sharp Flexcut blades
  • Fit directly into Proxxon Power Carvers
  • RG305 #3 x 3/8", RG306 #5 x 5/16", RG309 #11 x 1/8" & RG307 70° vee tool x 1/4"