Flexcut tálgu+útsk.sett 8st.

62.890 kr.
Vel valin járn fyrir tálgara sem vilja ná öllum smáatriðum og karakter í verkin sín.
  • Excellent comprehensive set for woodcarving
  • Flexcut tools are supplied honed and ready for use
  • Set includes: 4 knives plus 5 carving chisels

Flexcut krókhnífur

17.980 kr.

Mikill gæðahnífur frá Flexcut sem hentar í skeiðar, skálar og allskonar dýpri skurðarvinnu.

The Single Bevel Sloyd Hook Knife is perfect for forming the hollows of spoons and bowls. The deeply curved, single-edged blade is sharpened all the way to the pointed tip. For added strength, the tang of each knife extends completely through the beautifully conditioned Cherry hardwood handle. It also features a brass ferrule for added stability. The overall length of this knife is 8” with a radius of .5”.

Flexcut Sloyd tálguhnífur

16.780 kr.

Our Stub Sloyd Knife has a shorter blade than our original Sloyd Knife. With a blade length of 2-1/2”, you’ll have more control for your smaller sized projects. As with our original Sloyd, this carving knife is a during well-made tool, great for spoon carving, whittling, marking and general woodworking.

Flexcut Tálguhnífasett

14.720 kr.

Whether you whittle professionally or just for fun, our Whittler's Kit will give you better results. These flexible knives are made with edge-holding steel for smoother cutting and are ready to use right out of the package. This set also contains a bar of Polishing Compound to help maintain your edges.

Flexcut Tálguhnífur með leðurslíðri

11.990 kr.
Frá Flexcut USA - Handfang úr aski og blað úr karbonríku stáli - Heldur biti einstaklega vel - Kemur í vönduðu leðurslíðri sem auðvelt er að festa á öll belti.

Flexcut Tálguhnífurinn

9.980 kr.
Vinsælasti tálguhnífurinn frá Flexcut enda mælt með honum sem annar af tveimur fyrstu tálguhnífum fyrir byrjendur.  mjög léttur og fellur vel í lófa bæði fullorðinnna og barna.  Blaðið er líka stutt (3,1 cm) og því auðvelt að beita honum fyrir óvana og frábær í fínvinnu fyrir alla, líka lengra komna.
Býtur ótrúlega vel og auðveld að viðhalda bitinu með brýnslumassa eða kremi.

Flexcut Push-hnífur

8.970 kr.
  • Excellent choice for making concave, convex, and shaving cuts
  • Also designed for cleaning stop cuts

Flexcut hook/skew hnífur

8.970 kr.

The Hooked Skew Knife features a hooked radial bevel and is perfect for waterfowl carving and cleaning. It also can be used to make v-cuts using a rolling action. The handle shape holds like a pencil or conventional knife.

Blade Bevel Length: 13/16"

Flexcut Radius hnífur

8.970 kr.

The Radius Knife has a curved bevel and blade for making push cuts, slice cuts and v-shaped cuts. The skewed curvature of the bevel allows for a rolling action and allows for a different approach. The handle shape holds like a pencil or conventional knife.

Blade Bevel Length: 3/4"

Flexcut tálguhnífur boginn

7.980 kr.
  • Blade is curved, similar to a gouge for working in hollows
  • Right or Left handed
  • Use by pulling the tool toward you

Flexcut tálguhnífur 9/5 hægri

7.980 kr.
  • Length: 1.25 inches
  • Width: 3.5 inches
  • Height: 9 inches
  • Weight: 1.6 Ounces

Mora Skátahnífur: 8,5cm

7.980 kr.
Hnífur í leðurslíðri frá Frost Mora í Svíþjóð. Er með tvöfaldri fingravörn. Ryðfrítt stál - Lengd: 3,4"