Skrúfstykki grátt Durston
Mini hefill Shoulder
Veritas mini falshefill/botnhefill
Axminster Parrot Skrúfstykki: 89mm
Tálgusett Klossar og verkfæri
Flexcut Sloyd tálguhnífur
Our Stub Sloyd Knife has a shorter blade than our original Sloyd Knife. With a blade length of 2-1/2”, you’ll have more control for your smaller sized projects. As with our original Sloyd, this carving knife is a during well-made tool, great for spoon carving, whittling, marking and general woodworking.
Veritas tálguhefill
Skrúfjárnasett í tösku
Blades of high alloy nickel-chrome-molybdenum (SAE 8660) for maximum hardness and toughness. Chromed with burnished tip. The ergonomically formed 2-component plastic handles are oil and impact resistant. The revolving top and finger mould improve ease of use. One tweezer for gripping small screws and small parts.