Mora BushCraft Survival

Original price was: 19.970 kr..Current price is: 17.973 kr..
Hnífur með demantsbrýni og eldjárni - Eldjárn í 7000 strokur - Virkar í regni og snjó - Virkar einnig á gasgrill, ofna og einnig sem neyðarmerki - 2.5mm þykkt blað úr Sænsku ryðfríu stáli sem heldur biti lengi - Tvær beltafestingar.

Helle FISKEKNIV hnífur

Original price was: 19.750 kr..Current price is: 17.775 kr..

The Fiskekniv is a basic fishing knife Norwegian style.

It has a polished non-laminated stainless steel blade (Sandvik 12C27). The handle is smoothly sanded and has a mellow finish. It comes with a slotted leather sheath for safe carry.

Leatherman Rev Peg

Original price was: 19.650 kr..Current price is: 17.685 kr..

Tools Included

1. Needlenose Pliers

2. Regular Pliers

3. Hard-wire Cutters

4. Wire Cutters

5. 420HC Knife

6. Package Opener

7. Wood/Metal File

8. Can Opener

9. Bottle Opener

10.  Ruler (1.5 in | 3.8 cm)

11. Phillips Screwdriver

12. Medium Screwdriver

13. Small Screwdriver

14. Wire Stripper

Helle Hnífur: Speider

Original price was: 18.950 kr..Current price is: 17.055 kr..
Frá Helle í Noregi - Vandaður hnífur úr Sandvik 12C27 rústfríu stáli - Kemur í leðurslíðri - Blaðlengd: 87mm - Skepti: Birki með nikkel silfur fingurvörn - Norska skátamerkið er þrykkt í leðurslíðrið.

Helle Nying HNÍFUR

Original price was: 16.722 kr..Current price is: 15.050 kr..

The Nying is a Helle classic, short and stubby. The handle is generously proportioned to give a good grip even when your hands are cold.

The attractive leather sheath has a distinctive cutout. It is fitted with a keeper strap, which engages a stud on the pommel, and a suspension thong. The Nying won an award for classic Nordic design.

Mora Kansbol Multi-Mount slíður

Original price was: 14.980 kr..Current price is: 13.482 kr..

Þyngd 231gr.

Leatherman CrafterC33TX Svartur

Original price was: 14.850 kr..Current price is: 13.365 kr..


  • Ready for anything: The Crater C33 is the perfect lightweight everyday carry knife. Slice through your work with ease, then pop open a cold one to toast your next favorite multitool.
  • Just the essentials: The Crater C33 is equipped with just 2 tools: a knife and a carabiner/bottle opener. What more could you need?
  • Safe and secure: With a blade that locks when opened, you can cut with confidence. And with a thumb stud, you can open the C33 with ease (and only one hand).
  • Always on hand: The C33's bottle opener doubles as a carabiner so it never has to leave your side. It also features a pocket clip and weighs only 2.36 ounces.

Scraper þríhyrntur Dick

Original price was: 9.740 kr..Current price is: 8.766 kr..

Þýskur gæða scraper (þríhyrntur hnífur/skafa) með skiptanlegum hníf.

Frábærí allskonar rýmingu á götum ofl. í mjúkmálmum, til að snúa upp vírefni ofl.

This Dick Triangular Hollow Scraper has a nickel-plated holder with a screw head which is adjustable, making it ideal for finer work, aquatint etc

mora sveppahnífur grænn

Original price was: 7.990 kr..Current price is: 7.191 kr..

Sérhannaður fyrir sveppatínslu og hreinsun með burstanum


Mora Eldris hálsbandi /eldstáli Grænn

Original price was: 7.880 kr..Current price is: 7.092 kr..

Vandaður útivistarhnífur  sem hentar bæði sem tálguhnífur (þunnur fremst) og sem alhliða hnífur.

kemur með hörðu slíðri

Blaðið er 59mm á lengd og 2mm á þykkt.

Kemur með hálsbandi og eldstáli til að kveikja eld (baki hnífsblaði strokið yfir eldstálið til að mynda blossa)

Leatherman Bita Framlenging

Original price was: 5.980 kr..Current price is: 5.382 kr..
Passar á alla Leatherman hnífa eða verkfæri og tekur alla Leatherman bita. Sjá neðar lista yfir verkfæri sem bitinn passar á.

mora sveppahnífur rauður

Original price was: 5.940 kr..Current price is: 5.346 kr..

Sérhannaður í sveppatínslu og hreinsun með burstanum
