Leatherman Skeletool

26.850 kr.
Léttur og hnitmiðaður Leatherman fyrir útivistarfólk - 7 verkfæri í tækinu, m.a Hnífur - Töng - Vírklippur - Skrúfjárn og Flöskuopnari - 25 ára ábyrgð!

Helle Hnífur: Hellefisk

26.260 kr.
Frá Helle í Noregi - Vandaður hnífur úr Sandvik 12C27 rústfríu stáli - Kemur í leðurslíðri - Blaðlengd: 123mm - Blaðþykkt: 1,3mm - Þyngd: 64gr - Skepti: Korkur sem gerir það að verkum að hann flýtur ef hann lendir í vatni.

Helle Fossakallen HNÍFUR

24.950 kr.

Fossekallen is named after Norway’s ”national” bird.

The knife is well shaped for all around use. The blade is made of triple laminated stainless steel. The knife comes with a snap type leather sheath.

Helle Hnífur: Steinbit

24.950 kr.
Frá Helle í Noregi - Vandaður flökunar hnífur úr Sandvik 12C27 rústfríu stáli - Kemur í leðurslíðri - Blaðlengd: 153mm - Blaðþykkt: 1,6mm - Þyngd: 90gr - Skepti: Birki.

Mora BushCraft Survival

19.970 kr.
Hnífur með demantsbrýni og eldjárni - Eldjárn í 7000 strokur - Virkar í regni og snjó - Virkar einnig á gasgrill, ofna og einnig sem neyðarmerki - 2.5mm þykkt blað úr Sænsku ryðfríu stáli sem heldur biti lengi - Tvær beltafestingar.

Helle FISKEKNIV hnífur

19.750 kr.

The Fiskekniv is a basic fishing knife Norwegian style.

It has a polished non-laminated stainless steel blade (Sandvik 12C27). The handle is smoothly sanded and has a mellow finish. It comes with a slotted leather sheath for safe carry.

Leatherman Rev Peg

19.650 kr.

Tools Included

1. Needlenose Pliers

2. Regular Pliers

3. Hard-wire Cutters

4. Wire Cutters

5. 420HC Knife

6. Package Opener

7. Wood/Metal File

8. Can Opener

9. Bottle Opener

10.  Ruler (1.5 in | 3.8 cm)

11. Phillips Screwdriver

12. Medium Screwdriver

13. Small Screwdriver

14. Wire Stripper

Helle Hnífur: Speider

18.950 kr.
Frá Helle í Noregi - Vandaður hnífur úr Sandvik 12C27 rústfríu stáli - Kemur í leðurslíðri - Blaðlengd: 87mm - Skepti: Birki með nikkel silfur fingurvörn - Norska skátamerkið er þrykkt í leðurslíðrið.

Helle Nying HNÍFUR

16.722 kr.

The Nying is a Helle classic, short and stubby. The handle is generously proportioned to give a good grip even when your hands are cold.

The attractive leather sheath has a distinctive cutout. It is fitted with a keeper strap, which engages a stud on the pommel, and a suspension thong. The Nying won an award for classic Nordic design.

Leatherman CrafterC33TX Svartur

14.850 kr.


  • Ready for anything: The Crater C33 is the perfect lightweight everyday carry knife. Slice through your work with ease, then pop open a cold one to toast your next favorite multitool.
  • Just the essentials: The Crater C33 is equipped with just 2 tools: a knife and a carabiner/bottle opener. What more could you need?
  • Safe and secure: With a blade that locks when opened, you can cut with confidence. And with a thumb stud, you can open the C33 with ease (and only one hand).
  • Always on hand: The C33's bottle opener doubles as a carabiner so it never has to leave your side. It also features a pocket clip and weighs only 2.36 ounces.

Scraper þríhyrntur Dick

9.740 kr.

Þýskur gæða scraper (þríhyrntur hnífur/skafa) með skiptanlegum hníf.

Frábærí allskonar rýmingu á götum ofl. í mjúkmálmum, til að snúa upp vírefni ofl.

This Dick Triangular Hollow Scraper has a nickel-plated holder with a screw head which is adjustable, making it ideal for finer work, aquatint etc