Kjaftar og festingar
Patrónukjaft. Colossus 150mm
Patrónukjaftar M 100mm Axminster
Penna kjaftur á rennipatrónu
Gripkjaftur H axminster
Key Features
- Potential gripping range: Internal 51mm to 67mm
- Potential gripping range: External 64mm to 82mm
- Drawing dimensions taken when jaws form true circle
- Provides excellent work holding for large diameter pieces
- Serrated gripping surfaces for extra secure hold
- Made exclusively by Axminster in Axminster
- Made from stainless steel to protect against corrosion
Patrónukjaftar B á SK100
Key Features
- Potential gripping range: Internal 22mm to 45mm
- Potential gripping range: External 57mm to 71mm
- Recommended for SK100 and SK114 chucks
- Drawing dimensions taken when jaws form true circle
- Deep internal dovetail for longer spigots
- Made exclusively by Axminster in Axminster
- Made from stainless steel to protect against corrosion