Trésmíðar og hráefni
Proxxon Tálguvél: MOS
Makita DDA351Z Cordless Angle Drill 18V
GRS beygjuvél
Easily shape “C” style bracelets with the GRS Bracelet Former. Form flat strips of metal to a perfect “C” shape after engraving the design. The die cup contains a soft alloy material that supports pressure from the die, but does not distort engraved work. The die cup material can be reformed by heating, when necessary.
Mândra knife designed and field tested with Les Stroud, a.k.a “Survivorman”.
We are very proud to present the Mândra, developed by Helle and Les Stroud – “Survivorman”.
In order to perfect the design of this newest Helle knife, we travelled to the raw, remote and overwhelmingly beautiful country of Romania working alongside Les Stroud on his latest Survivorman episodes.
Eik hvít Amerísk 2″
Greinayddari 2-tomma
Gransfors Tálguöxi – Wildlife Hatchet
UJK Technology Parf Guide System
Víkingaöxi Chopping Hewing
Hefill no.5 Rider
Rider handheflarnir og verkfærin hafa sannað ágæti sitt á íslenskum markaði í nokkur ár.
Gæðaverkfæri sem standast kröfur sem við gerum til góðrar upplifunar í smíðum og vandaða útkomu ýmissa verkefna.
- Vinnuhestur í efnisformun, þykktarheflun, almenna sléttun og jöfnun hráefni.
- Vandaður steyptur stálfótur með nákvæmum flötum sóla
- Þægilegt vaxað harðviðarhandfang