Showing 205–216 of 2112 results

Iðnaðarryksuga WSA Proxxon

75.800 kr.

For dust-free working: Switchable automatic mode for direct connection of power tools. With 5-second follow-up time.

Demantssagarblað MK303: 16″

75.000 kr.
Lortone MK303 hágæða demantsblað í steinasögun - Gefur mjúkan skurð og er notað á sjaldgæfa og verðmæta steina og efni - Þvermál: 16" eða 40cm - Gat: 2,5cm

Faceplate: PD400

72.300 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Diskur sem kemur í staðinn fyrir venjulega patrónu, og er hægt að nota þegar setja á upp sérstaklega stór vinnustykki - Tvær uppsetningar klemmur fylgja með - Þvermál: 150mm - Passar á PD400 Málmrennibekk frá Proxxon.

Laguna 18/36 and 24/36 Riser Kits 75mm

71.790 kr.

Key Features

  • Raises the lathe height for a more ergonomic working position
  • Reduces strain on your back and shoulders during long sessions
  • Enhances versatility, allowing for larger and more detailed projects
  • Made from durable materials to ensure stability and longevity


69.980 kr.

compact grinding mop cylinder (Ø 50 x 30mm). Continuously variable electronic speed control for constant speed even at high grinding pressure. Set includes lithium-ion battery Li/A2 (10.8V) and rapid battery charger LG/A. With satin-finishing cylinder "medium" and one each grinding mop cylinder 120 grit and 240 grit.

Technical data:
10.8V DC. Satin-finishing and grinding mop cylinder Ø 50mm, width 30mm. Spindle speeds 1,100 - 2,800/rpm. Length 305mm. Weight approx. 1,000g (including battery).

Pfeil D-Sett: 12stk – Stutt

69.950 kr.
Kemur í vönduðum trékassa. Gott fyrir minni hendur og byrjendur sem vilja tækla algeng verkefni. 85mm járn - 200mm heildarlengd. Listi yfir járnin: D 1/8, D 1s/8, D 5/8, D 8/7, D 8a/7, D 9/5, D 9/10, D 11/1, D 11/3, D 12/2, D 12/8

Proxxon Tifsög: DSH

69.870 kr.
Frá Proxxon í þýskalandi. Upplögð sög fyrir stærri verkefni, módelsmíði, leikfangasmíði og fleira - hefur tvo hraða. Sagar við upp í 50mm - plast upp í 30mm og mjúkmálma að 10mm. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Axminster Lofthreinsir: CK500S

69.841 kr.
Frá Axminster Englandi - Fyrir UB-802 og UB-803 spónsog. Fílterar fínustu agnir úr loftinu - Auðvelt að hreinsa.

Hnota Am.Prime 2″

69.790 kr.
American Walnut is a beautiful light to dark brown tree Black which can be used for furniture, tabletop r, panels, fixtures and more.

DEWALT D26204K 2 IN 1

69.700 kr.

Key Features

  • 1 motor, 2 bases and a host of uses
  • Fixed or plunge base fix easily to motor body
  • Powerful 900W motor with constant electronics
  • Compact and easy to control
  • LED 3 way light for illumination of work area
  • Plunge base with depth adjuster and turret adjustment
  • Fixed base with depth ring collar and fine adjustment
  • Spindle lock for quick cutter change
  • Supplied with 2 fences: fixed base fence and the plunge base fence
  • 2 extraction adaptors, 1/4" collet, centring cone
  • 17mm guide bush and collet spanner
  • Storage case


68.990 kr.

The mobile version of our already proven corded tool for more flexibility when polishing or cleaning, in rust removal and adding the "finishing touches" after varnishing.

With continuously variable electronic speed control for constant speeds even under high grinding pressure. Set includes lithium-ion battery Li/A2 (10.8V) and rapid battery charger LG/A as well as plenty of accessories such as: rubber backing disc with hook and loop fastening, polishing sponge (medium hard), lambswool polishing disc, polishing felt (medium hard) for metal and non-ferrous metal, 12 sanding discs (grit 2000) and polishing emulsion (75ml) as well as a microfibre cloth.

Technical data:
10.8V DC. Spindle speeds 1,100 - 2,800rpm. Length 305mm. Weight 950g (including battery).

Proxxon Ryksuga fyrir Verkstæði

68.900 kr.
Í henni er stór sía úr polypropylene sem má auðveldlega þvo. Einnig er í henni fínsía sem grípur minnstu agnir úr loftinu. Alveg vatnsheld vél þannig að auðveldlega er hægt að ryksuga upp vökva - en þá þarf að fjarlægja fínsíuna úr vélinni.