Showing 181–192 of 2099 results

Axcaliber Rammahnífur: MT1

87.450 kr.

Axminster Rammahnífur - Flugbeitt stálblöð - Langt handfang - Stopparar á 0°og 45°- Hámarksstærð sem tækið tekur: 100mm hátt og um 150mm breitt á 90°.

  • Trim off fine shavings for the most precise mitres
  • Shearing action results in a glass like finish on end grain
  • Substantial machined cast iron, razor sharp, tool steel blades
  • Long operating lever with rack and pinion mechanism

Demantssagarblað MK303: 18″

87.429 kr.
Lortone MK303 hágæða demantsblað í steinasögun - Gefur mjúkan skurð og er notað á sjaldgæfa og verðmæta steina og efni - Þvermál: 18" eða 45cm - Gat: 2,5cm

GRS grafkúla mini

85.848 kr.

Designed for a unique combination of solid work support in a small and maneuverable size, the MicroBlock has a self-centering jaw system made for stone setting, small engravings, and other precision work. The internal rotational brake system lets the user choose the amount of rotational resistance from free to locked. Its low profile is suited for microscope work.

Rennipatrónusett M33 clubman

84.650 kr.
  • Direct threaded chuck body ensures concentricity
  • Stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance
  • Features the latest SafetyJaw accessory mounting jaws

Rennipatrónusett 1″x8tpi clubman

84.600 kr.
  • Direct threaded chuck body ensures concentricity
  • Fitted with the latest SafetyJaw© accessory mounting jaws
  • Stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance
  • Includes C dovetail jaws, faceplate ring and screw chuck
  • 100mm (4") diameter
  • 5-year guarantee
  • Made entirely in Axminster, England

Gransfors Öxi: Kastöxi – Tvöföld

83.790 kr.
Handsmíðuð öxi frá Granfors í Svíþjóð. Hausinn er 1,5kg með 29" löngu hickory skefti.

Laguna Revo 12/16 height Adjustable Stan

83.307 kr.

Key Features

  • Provides a stable and ergonomic working height for your lathe
  • Transforms your benchtop lathe into a freestanding unit for greater flexibility
  • Made from durable materials to support the weight and vibrations of your lathe
  • Features adjustable feet to ensure stability on uneven surfaces

Proxxon Diskaslípivél: TGS 250/E

79.840 kr.
Frá Proxxon í Þýskalandi. Hentar fyrir mjúkan og harðan við, mjúka málma, stál, plast, kork og gúmmí. Mælitafla gefur til kynna á hvaða hraða hvert efni vinnst best. Hefur kælikerfi fyrir vinnslu á gleri, stein, flísum og stáli. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda

Famag Borstandur: 320*160mm

79.763 kr.
Frá Famag Þýskalandi - Standur fyrir borvélar - Dýpt: 160mm - Borvél fylgir ekki með - Hentar vel þegar bora á með löngum bor - Gefur jafna borun.

Skápur undir AW254TS

79.700 kr.
  • Strong, welded steel construction
  • Finished to match the AW254TS table saw perfectly
  • Large side door gives access to a useful storage cupboard

Proxxon Bútsög Mini: KGS 80

79.650 kr.
Fyrirferðarlítil og hljóðlát í fínvinnu. Bútsögin sem leysir öll litlu málin en hún er með gráðulandi. Sagar bæði í tré og málm (ef skipt er um blað) - 200W - 220-240V - 6.000 snúninga.

Laguna Revo 18/36 and 24/36 Cast Leg Sup

79.084 kr.

Key Features

  • Provides exceptional stability, reducing vibrations for precise work
  • Enhances accuracy by maintaining a secure and steady lathe position
  • Made from durable cast iron for long-lasting support
  • Easy to install, integrating seamlessly into your workshop setup