Showing 1–12 of 62 results

Titebond III Ultimate 8L

33.650 kr.
  • Superior strength, strong initial tack, longer open assembly time
  • Designed for interior and exterior applications
  • Waterproof formula that cleans up with water
  • Wood glue also suitable for cloth, leather etc
  • Initial Tack time 30 mins
  • Setting time 24 hours approximately
  • Passes ANSI/HPVA Type I water-resistance
  • Lower application temperature
  • Unaffected by finishes
  • FDA approved for indirect food contact
  • Conforms to ASTM D-4236

Titebond I Original 8L

27.580 kr.
  • Titebond Original recommended for use with biscuit joints
  • Ideal for all interior furniture projects
  • Aliphatic Resin suitable for wood, leather, cloth
  • Strong initial tack, open time 5 minutes
  • Assembly time 10-15 minutes
  • Shelf life 2 years (kept airtight)

Sicomin Resin hratt 1.5L

21.600 kr.

SURF CLEAR EVO is specially formulated for the manufacturing of wind-surf boards and surf boards. This system is adapted for hand lay up of glass fibre, carbon, aramid and polyester. It is compatible with all commercial foams: polystyrene's, polyurethanes, cross-linked and linear PVC foams. With improvements to the mechanical properties this NEW version is made with 40% biomass.

Titebond III Ultimate Trélím: 3,8l

20.770 kr.
Límir tré, efni og leður - byrjar að þorna á 30 mínútum og er alveg fast eftir 24 tíma - Vatnshelt - Hægt að hreinsa upp með vatni meðan það er blautt - Gott innanhúss og utan - Má bera lökk og önnur efni yfir límið.

Titebond Original Trélím: 3,8l

14.850 kr.
Fyrir innanhús notkun - Byrjar að þorna eftir 30 mínútur - Hita og efna þolið - Mjög gott að pússa með sandpappír - Auðvelt að þrífa með vatni - Fjölbreytt notkun.

Límbyssa 1007-S Anthractie

12.850 kr.

Quickly to hand and ready to go in just 15 seconds: Our MG 1007-S fits in any drawer and stands for cordless bonding – anytime and anywhere.

Límstifti 11mm Kristal 1Kg.

8.950 kr.

Steinel - 250mm - 40STK.

Transparent adhesive. For invisible bonds, clear craft glue, virtually non-drip. For Gluematic 5000, Gluematic 3002 & Gluefix.

Quick-Cure: 5 mín. 256gr

7.990 kr.
Þetta lím er með 5 mínútna þornunartíma. Magn: 256 grömm

Slow-Cure: 30 mín. 256gr

7.990 kr.
SLOW-CURE EPOXY Þetta lím er með 30 mínútna þornunartíma. Magn: 256 grömm