Hefilbekkir og hirslur
Sjöbergs Smart þvinga
Hefilbekkjaþvinga 205mm
Sjöbergs verkfærastandur í hefilbekki
Búkki stál blár MG160H
Key Features
- Strong square-profile tubing, folds for transport & storage
- Height adjustable from 800mm up to 1,300mm
- Maximum weight capacity 160kg
- Sold individually
- Flip-up end stops prevent work top from sliding off sideways
- Impact and scratch resistant plastic coating
- Professional quality, practical & economical
Sjöbergs Þvinga ST11
Hakar 4stk. 19mm svartir sívalir
Sjöbergs steðjaplata í hefilbekk
Sjobergs Holdfast ST03 (Twin Pack)
Veritas skrúfþvinga
UJK mft Hook Stop
Key Features
- Hook feature ensures your material is located easily and stays put for the most precise work
- For planing at vertical or 45° angles using an MFT bench
- Manufactured with one circular hole and two elongated holes for use in less accurate workbench holes
- A simple accessible clamping solution
- Stackable for thicker materials
- Ideal for use with hand planes and power planes, biscuit jointers and the Festool Domino
- Quick to move and tweak for any planing task