Tormek Japanskur 4000gr

58.750 kr.
  • Delivers an extra fine surface finish
  • Excels at sharpening hand tools where a minimum of steel removal is needed
  • 4,000g ideal for carving tools, scissors, knives, plane irons and bench tools

Tormek Borabrýni: DBS-22

57.960 kr.
Frá Tormek Svíþjóð - Nú geturu brýnt borana þína af mestu nákvæmni. Hægt að stilla á ótal mismunandi vegu.

Tormek Handverkfærasett í tösku

56.500 kr.

Ný taska utan um settið

  • Maintain an edge on a wide range of tools
  • Packed in a high-quality storage case with foam insert
  • SVM-45 for general and short knives
  • SVM-140 for long chef’s and filleting knives
  • SVX-150 for scissors and shears
  • SVS-38 for carving and butt chisels
  • SVA-170 for axes and hatchets
  • SVM-00 for carving knives and pocket knives

Tru-Grind Brýnslukerfi: Tru-Grind

49.960 kr.
Frá Axminster Englandi - Frábært tæki fyrir þá sem þurfa nákvæma og góða brýnslu.

Demantssteinn Coarse 200

49.650 kr.
  • Exceptional durability; never needs re-truing
  • Sharpens on the flat side as well as the periphery
  • Coarse 360 grit quickly restores dull edges and removes nicks

Tormek f fræsitennur-kúttara

48.366 kr.
  • Sharpens all shapes of moulding knives
  • Sharpens all moulding knives with 24/30/38mm between centre holes
  • Face is precision ground

Demantssteinn Fine 200

46.266 kr.
  • Exceptional durability; never needs re-truing
  • Sharpens on the flat side as well as the periphery
  • Fine 600 grit for efficient steel removal with smooth surface finish

Tormek hnífshjólsstýring T2

45.508 kr.

Accessory for Tormek T-2 Pro Kitchen Knife Sharpener for sharpening round knife blades. Rotary gyro knife, kebab knife or shawarma slicer – whatever you call it, it's time to sharpen it! The RBS-140 Round Blade Sharpening Attachment fits most blade models for your electric knives with round, rotary blades. The accessory is specially designed and only fits the Tormek T-2 Pro Kitchen Knife Sharpener, which removes a minimum amount of steel and gives you a professionally sharpened blade in no time.

Tormek Hefiltanna: SVH-320

39.950 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Til að brýna hnífa af öllum lengdum. Sjá nánar neðar.

Tormek Blackstone Silicon: 220gr

34.658 kr.
Frá Tormek Svíþjóð - SB-250 á T7 - Grófleiki: 220 grid