Brýni og brýnsluvélar
GRS brýnsluvél Graverhone VS apex
Meet the next generation sharpening system from GRS Tools. This complete package contains the high-torque, variable speed GraverHone VS and the 4-in-1 Apex Sharpening System. This combination of products is the ultimate in sharpening efficiency. The speed range of the GraverHone together with the user-friendliness of the Apex system make this the perfect setup for everyone from novice to expert.
Tormek Skúffustandur: TS-740
Tormek T2 Pro Kitchen
Tormek T-2 Pro Kitchen Knife Sharpener is a knife sharpening system adapted and certified for commercial use. For the devoted home chef we offer the Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener.
- Professional sharpening in 60 seconds.
- Quick and easy setup.
- Patented guide provides a consistent angle and smooth bevel.
Tormek T-8 hverfissteinn
Tormek T4 Original hverfissteinn
Nett hágæða brýnsluvél frá Tormek – Frábær lausn fyrir þá sem vilja hafa verkfærin sín 100%, ekki aðeins hárbeitt heldur að þau endist vel og lengi. Mjög fáar lausnir hafa svo nákvæm lönd og stillingar til að brýna eggjárnin eins og best verður á kosið. ATH. stýringar allskonar eru í boði á vélina en seljast sér, bæði í boði sem stakar stýringar og einnig í boði 2 gerðir af settum í tösku.
Tormek T-8 brýnsluvél án hjóla
Tormek Demantssteinn Coarse
Tormek Trérennisett í tösku
Tormek Borabrýni
Key Features
- Fits all Tormek models
- Restore completely worn drills as well as broken drills to a perfect shape
- Sharpens drills from 3mm (1/8") to 22mm (7/8")
- Drill holder and guides are made with the highest precision
- Tormek sharpens with water cooling which is gentle on the steel
- Creates a 4-facet point which gives the ideal cutting performance
- The optimal point and clearance angle can be set according to requirements