Showing 25–36 of 50 results

Tormek Multi Base

13.680 kr.
  • Specifically for use with Tormek diamond grinding wheels
  • Allows sharpening on the side of the grinding wheel
  • Produce a perfectly flat bevel on chisels, plane irons etc
  • Mounts vertically or horizontally
  • Use in conjunction with many Tormek Jigs
  • N.B. Not suitable for use with standard Tormek grindstones

Tormek f Skrúbb & hefiljárn

12.850 kr.

Key Features

  • Can be used for turning and carving tools
  • Two holders
  • Universal support in horizontal base

Tormek Skæra Brýnsla: SVX-150

12.390 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Fyrir allar stærðir af skærum og flestar garðklippur - Tvær klemmur halda skærunum örugglega.

Tormek Leðurhjól: LA-145

11.230 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Aukahjól í stærðinni 145*26mm - Passar á Tormek T-3 og 1200 módel.

Tormek RM-533 gúmmímotta

9.990 kr.
  • A waterproof and non-slip surface
  • Raised rim helps to retain water
  • Works with all Tormek machines
  • Ultra heavy duty
  • Cut resistant
  • Protects any work surface

Tormek Anti-Corrosion Concentrate

9.850 kr.
  • Recommended for Tormek diamond grinding wheels
  • Suitable for all powered whetstone grinders
  • Makes up to 7.5 litres of non-corrosive water
  • Protects tools and machine from corrosion
  • Twin pack of 150ml bottles
  • Use with Japanese water stones and diamond stones

Tormek Verkfærahvíla: SVD-110

9.650 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Auðvelt að stilla - Breið plata.

Torme ezylock teinn í T4

9.600 kr.

Key Features

  • Shaft, washer are all made of stainless steel
  • Composite Ezylock nut
  • EzyLock makes it very easy to change grindstones
  • Kit includes: Shaft, EzyLock Nut, Nylon bearings, cross pin, stone washer and drive wheel washer
  • MSK-200 fits the T-3 and any other 200mm Tormek machines

Tormek Universal Land: US-103

9.600 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Fylgir vélum US-10 - Aukaland á T-3 vélar.

Tormek Universal Land: US-105

9.600 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Fylgir vélum US-105 - Aukaland á T-7 vélar.

Tormek Hnífa Langur: SVM-140

9.390 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Sérstaklega fyrir mjög langa og mjóa hnífa. Sjá nánar neðar.

Tormek Alhliða Haldari: SVS-50

8.950 kr.
Multi haldari frá Tormek Svíþjóð.