Showing 1–12 of 21 results

Kokkahnífur Svartur Stór Classic 1891

Original price was: 22.470 kr..Current price is: 20.223 kr..

It was primarily designed for chopping onions and other vegetables, but as the name suggests, the all-round knife is good for almost all your cooking needs. It has a relatively short blade, which suits young talents to try out their cooking skills.

Flökunarhnífur Svartur Classic 1891

Original price was: 21.351 kr..Current price is: 19.216 kr..

Fish, meat, or chicken – the fillet knife can take care of most of the ingredients you might want in your evening meal. The blade becomes increasingly flexible the closer to the tip you work, so that filleting becomes simple and smooth. Clear away!

Mora BushCraft Survival

Original price was: 19.970 kr..Current price is: 17.973 kr..
Hnífur með demantsbrýni og eldjárni - Eldjárn í 7000 strokur - Virkar í regni og snjó - Virkar einnig á gasgrill, ofna og einnig sem neyðarmerki - 2.5mm þykkt blað úr Sænsku ryðfríu stáli sem heldur biti lengi - Tvær beltafestingar.

Kokkahnífur lítill Svartur Classic 1891

Original price was: 17.972 kr..Current price is: 16.175 kr..

It was primarily designed for chopping onions and other vegetables, but as the name suggests, the all-round knife is good for almost all your cooking needs. It has a relatively short blade, which suits young talents to try out their cooking skills.

Mora Kansbol Multi-Mount slíður

Original price was: 14.980 kr..Current price is: 13.482 kr..

Þyngd 231gr.

Mora Útivistaröxi: 500gr

Original price was: 14.680 kr..Current price is: 12.478 kr..
Outdoor 1991 exi frá Frost Mora í Svíþjóð. Hausinn er gerður úr svörtu epoxy húðuðu boron stáli, sem gerir hana mjög sterka. Mjög sterkt plast skefti og leður slíður - Þyngd: 500gr.

Mora draghnífur 220 splitter

Original price was: 9.882 kr..Current price is: 8.894 kr..

This reliable craft knife is for those who need to split wood into smaller sticks. With two barrel-shaped birch handles and finger guards, the 2.5 mm thick blade made of recycled Swedish stainless steel will serve you well.

Tálgusett m.hesti

Original price was: 10.650 kr..Current price is: 8.520 kr..

A Dalecarlian horse in a box, literally. With an obvious combination of two of our most famous Swedish symbols, a Morakniv knife, and a Dalecarlian horse, you can create your own designs and new traditions.

Flushnífur Rauður Classic 1891

Original price was: 8.975 kr..Current price is: 8.077 kr..

The smart design and short blade make this an exceptional knife for peeling fruit and vegetables, slicing, trimming, and chopping. The handle is slightly larger than similar knives, giving it a steadier and safer grip.

mora sveppahnífur grænn

Original price was: 7.990 kr..Current price is: 7.191 kr..

Sérhannaður fyrir sveppatínslu og hreinsun með burstanum


Mora Eldris hálsbandi /eldstáli Grænn

Original price was: 7.880 kr..Current price is: 7.092 kr..

Vandaður útivistarhnífur  sem hentar bæði sem tálguhnífur (þunnur fremst) og sem alhliða hnífur.

kemur með hörðu slíðri

Blaðið er 59mm á lengd og 2mm á þykkt.

Kemur með hálsbandi og eldstáli til að kveikja eld (baki hnífsblaði strokið yfir eldstálið til að mynda blossa)

Mora Skátahnífur: 8,5cm

Original price was: 7.980 kr..Current price is: 6.783 kr..
Hnífur í leðurslíðri frá Frost Mora í Svíþjóð. Er með tvöfaldri fingravörn. Ryðfrítt stál - Lengd: 3,4"