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Leatherman Surge

49.500 kr.
All Locking Features
Every feature (except the plier head) locks into place, so you can use the tools safely and effectively.
Lanyard Ring
This secure ring attaches the tool safely and securely to a lanyard.
Outside-accessible Features
This multi-tool features tools that are accessible while the tool is in its folded or closed position.
One-hand Operable Features
Keep one hand free. Open and use features on this tool with one hand.

Leatherman Wave

35.800 kr.
Sá vinsælasti í Leatherman fjölskyldunni: Leatherman WAVE Fjölnotaverkfæri með 17 tólum: m.a - Töng- Hnífur- Skrúfjárn- Skæri- Þjöl- Upptakari- Sög. 25 ára ábyrgð!

Leatherman Free K4x

28.750 kr.
Tools Included
1. 420HC Combo Knife
2. Spring-action Scissors
3. Pry Tool
4. Package Opener
5. Awl
6. Bottle Opener
7. Phillips Screwdriver
8. Medium Screwdriver
9. Extra-small Screwdriver

Leatherman Rebar

28.750 kr.
  • READY FOR ANYTHING: The Rebar is inspired by Tim Leatherman's original PST. With all the features for the toughest tasks in a smaller, slimmer size, the Rebar is right at home on the job or around the house.
  • FIT MORE FUNCTIONALITY: The Rebar is equipped with 17 tools, including knives, pliers, screwdrivers, wire cutters, an electrical crimper, a wire stripper, bottle and can openers, a file, a saw, an awl, and a ruler.
  • ALWAYS ON HAND: With its compact size, lightweight design, and lanyard ring, your Rebar is always within reach and ready to work.
  • SAFE AND SECURE: All-locking features means that every tool and knife will lock when fully opened, keeping you safe and the tools securely in place.

Leatherman Wingman

26.850 kr.

Tools Included

1. Spring-action Needlenose Pliers

2. Spring-action Regular Pliers

3. Spring-action Wire Cutters

4. Wire Stripper

5. 420HC Combo Knife

6. Spring-action Scissors

7. Package Opener

8. Ruler (1.5 in | 3.8 cm)

9. Can Opener

10. Bottle Opener

11. Wood/Metal File

12. Phillips Screwdriver

13. Medium Screwdriver

14. Small Screwdriver

Leatherman Skeletool

26.850 kr.
Léttur og hnitmiðaður Leatherman fyrir útivistarfólk - 7 verkfæri í tækinu, m.a Hnífur - Töng - Vírklippur - Skrúfjárn og Flöskuopnari - 25 ára ábyrgð!

Leatherman Rev Peg

19.650 kr.

Tools Included

1. Needlenose Pliers

2. Regular Pliers

3. Hard-wire Cutters

4. Wire Cutters

5. 420HC Knife

6. Package Opener

7. Wood/Metal File

8. Can Opener

9. Bottle Opener

10.  Ruler (1.5 in | 3.8 cm)

11. Phillips Screwdriver

12. Medium Screwdriver

13. Small Screwdriver

14. Wire Stripper

Leatherman CrafterC33TX Svartur

14.850 kr.


  • Ready for anything: The Crater C33 is the perfect lightweight everyday carry knife. Slice through your work with ease, then pop open a cold one to toast your next favorite multitool.
  • Just the essentials: The Crater C33 is equipped with just 2 tools: a knife and a carabiner/bottle opener. What more could you need?
  • Safe and secure: With a blade that locks when opened, you can cut with confidence. And with a thumb stud, you can open the C33 with ease (and only one hand).
  • Always on hand: The C33's bottle opener doubles as a carabiner so it never has to leave your side. It also features a pocket clip and weighs only 2.36 ounces.

Leatherman Bita Framlenging

5.980 kr.
Passar á alla Leatherman hnífa eða verkfæri og tekur alla Leatherman bita. Sjá neðar lista yfir verkfæri sem bitinn passar á.

Leatherman Nylonslíður með Hólfi

4.780 kr.
Nylonslíður með innra hólfi fyrir skrúfbitasett - passar á eftirfarandi tegundir: Skeletool, Skeletool CX, Crunch, Blast, Fuse, Kick, Wave, Pulse, Sideclip, PST, PST II og Flair