Showing 145–156 of 792 results

Slaglóðspastasett með dælu

16.750 kr.
Sprautupumpa og slagslóðspasta. Mjög þægilegt er að sprauta nákvæmlega úr slaglóðsprautunni með pumpunni. Pumpan er fjölnota og því eingöngu skipt um sprautur þegar hún tæmist.

Helle Nying HNÍFUR

16.722 kr.

The Nying is a Helle classic, short and stubby. The handle is generously proportioned to give a good grip even when your hands are cold.

The attractive leather sheath has a distinctive cutout. It is fitted with a keeper strap, which engages a stud on the pommel, and a suspension thong. The Nying won an award for classic Nordic design.

Sogbarki: 102mm*2,5m

16.352 kr.
Glær sogbarki - Þvermál: 102mm - Lengd: 2,5 metraar. Sjá nánar neðar.

Skálajárn 1/4″

16.340 kr.

Milled from round bar, these bowl gouges are created for making the best of turned bowls, for heavy profile cuts or for delicate feather cuts.

Hefiljárn 1″ CT

16.340 kr.
wood turning essentially boils down to 2 types: turning between the centers in which we can make pens, spindles, legs and poles and turning on the headstock where we can do bowls, boxes, burls and platters. Thus, the choice of turning chisels will vary depending on the type you would like to do. 

Skafa Þverend 1″ CT

16.260 kr.
Wood turning essentially boils down to 2 types: turning between the centers in which we can make pens, spindles, legs and poles and turning on the headstock where we can do bowls, boxes, burls and platters. Thus, the choice of turning chisels will vary depending on the type you would like to do.

Bútjárn 1/8″ Diamond CT

15.890 kr.

Wood turning essentially boils down to 2 types: turning between the centers in which we can make pens, spindles, legs and poles and turning on the headstock where we can do bowls, boxes, burls and platters. Thus, the choice of turning chisels will vary depending on the type you would like to do.

Brennenstuhl Rakamælir í Tré og Hráefni

15.850 kr.
Mælir raka í tré og öðru hráefni svo sem steypu, múrsteinum veggfóðri og fleiru - Mælir tré frá 5-50% en 1,5-33% fyrir önnur efni - Stór auðlesanlegur LCD skjár sem hefur upplausnina 0,1%.

Demantbrýni: 300mm

15.850 kr.
Hnífabrýni - 300mm

Demantsbrýni 1200gr.

15.850 kr.
Extra fínt demantsbrýni sem kemur í fallegu harðviðar boxi. Má brýna þurrt eða með vatni. Stærð steins: 6" x 2" x 3/4"

Demantsbrýni Fínn – 600

15.850 kr.
Kemur í sterkum plastkassa. Grófleiki: 600.