Durston Hringakeila Hert: 10-28mm
Skrúfstykki grátt Durston
Durston Hringakeila Hert: 10-25mm
Durston þverbítur flushcut
Hágæða málmklippa frá Durston í Bretlandi
SEmiflush þýðir að annar endinn sem klippist verður flatur.
- Front End Flush Cutters 115mm
- Laser precision edges
- Superior Lap Joint Construction
- Fast, strong rebound for enhanced productivity
- Ergonomic handles for a comfortable grip
- Part of the Durston Professional Range of Pliers & Cutters
Skrúfstykki svart Durston
Durston flatkjaftur örmjór
Hágæða töng frá Durston í Bretlandi.
Sérstaklega oddmjó og allur kjafturinn mjög grannur en með góðan kraft vegna gæða smíðinnar á tönginni allri (hert stál)
- Needle Chain Plier 115mm
- Laser precision edges
- Superior Lap Joint Construction
- Fast, strong rebound for enhanced productivity
- Ergonomic handles for a comfortable grip
- Part of the Durston Professional Range of Pliers & Cutters
Durston hringatöng örmjó
Durston Stálsteðjaplatti: 100*100mm
Durston beygjugöng 3stærðir
keilutöng með þremur stærðum
hentar vel t.d. í hringasmíði og beygjuformun
The 3 Step Mandrel Forming Pliers are manufactured specially for creating consistent loops using the 3 barrels. The lower jaw is coated to prevent scratching.
The ergonomic handles provide a comfortable grip, allowing you to work longer and reduce hand fatigue. Durston 3 Step Mandrel Forming Pliers are created with poly handles for increased comfort.