Skógaröxi löng
Víkingaöxi Chopping Hewing
Tálguöxi bogið blað
Skaröxi Bogin m.leðurslíðri og beltissl.
Öxi lítil m.leðurslíðri og beltisslíðri
Öxil langblaða stutt Bushcraft
Leðurhandtaska brún
Tálgusett 4 hnífar, brýni & trékassi
Tálgusett Klossar og verkfæri
Tálgusett fjölskyldunnar
Tálgusett Skeið
The choice of gifts is an eternal problem. You always want to pick up something beautiful, original, and at an affordable price. A hand-crafted gift can be your perfect solution. It always looks interesting, beautiful, and original. Such a gift will please even the most demanding recipient, especially if this gift is a Love Spoon carved out of wood. Such traditional Celtic carving is a symbol of love, appreciation, and devotion. It is always unique and inimitable.