ATH. verð er til viðmiðunar og staðfestist við pöntun á öllum okkar ofnum. Er ekki lagervara en við sérpöntum þá enda misjafnar þarfir og ágætt að huga að rafmagnsmálum þar sem ofninn verður keyrður t.a.m. hvort um einfasa (hefðubundið) rafmagn eða þriggja fasa rafmagn (stóra margpinna klóin). Afhendingartími er á bilinu 3-6 vikur að öllu jöfnu. Semja má um greiðslutilhögun en skólar/bæjarfélög greiða að jafnaði helming við pöntun og restina við afhendingu. Einstaklingar geta gert hið sama en einnig dreift greiðslum til lengri tíma (allt að 36 mánuði) á greiðslukort
Model | Tmax | Inner dimensions in mm | Volume | Outer dimensions in mm | Connected | Electrical | Weight | ||||
°C | w | d | h | in l | W | D | H¹ | load kW | connection* | in kg | |
N 140 LE | 1100 | 450 | 580 | 570 | 140 | 660 | 1050 | 1430 | 6.0 | 1-phase² | 220 |
N 140 E – N 500 E
- Heated from the left and right walls and floor and positioned at an ergonomic height, these models are an economical solution for schools, kindergartens and other institutions. These furnaces are ideal for operating temperatures of approx. 900 °C – 1300 °C.
Top quality:
- Heated from two walls and the floor
- Heating elements embedded in grooves for protection (N 140 E – N 280 E)
- Freely radiating heating elements placed on supporting tubes (N 500 E)
- Long-lasting, heavy-gauge heating elements
- Special arrangement of heating elements for optimal temperature uniformity
- Solid state relays provide for low-noise operation
- Fast power switching for precise temperature uniformity
- Thermocouple Type S
- Door safety switch shuts down power to the elements when the door is opened
- Multi-layered lining with light weight insulation bricks and microporus insulation for a cooler shell and low power consumption
- Rugged, self-supporting, vaulted arch construction
- Solid, dual shell door with long-life sealing
- Door is adjustable and can be locked with padlock
- Rugged housing design
- Kiln floor plate included in delivery
- Environment-friendly, long-life powder-coating of housing
- Infinitely adjustable inlet air opening
- Air outlet in the center of the ceiling ensures good circulation in the furnace chamber
- Socket for connection of an exhaust tube (80 mm diameter) for N 140 E – N 280 E, ceiling flap for N 500 E included in scope of supply
- Base
- Comfortable charging height with base of 800 mm (N 500 E = 500 mm)
- GS safety mark for controlled safety, CE
- Dual shell housing for low outside temperatures as additional equipment. Already standard with model N 500 E
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