Mirka ryksuga 1230M Wet and Dry E
Key Features
- M-class suitable for dust with OEL ≥ 0.1 mg/m³; efficiency 99.99%
- Supplied with 4m x 27mm hose, connector and a fleece dust bag
- Auto filter cleaning ensures consistent high-level performance
- 1200W motor and 30L capacity (wet)
- Air flow: 4500l/min
- Selector switch for manual or automatic start
- Low airflow sensor warns of reduced air speed
- Suitable for Wet and Dry pick-up (remove bag for wet pick up)
- Flat top design offers space for storage of tools, abrasives etc
- Large front and back wheels easy to manoeuvre on site
- Onboard storage of both hose and cable
Borðsög AW190B workshop
Hefilbekkur Stockaryd
Sjöbergs hefilbekkur
Þessi er með öfluga L-þvingu af gamla skólanum en aukalega er hægt að fá hefðbundna þvingu framan á bekkinn.
Plötustærðin er 1070*400mm og kemur staðlaður á tréstandi.
tvöföldu og fjórföldu er hægt að fá sem lausn ofan á hæðarstillanlegan stálstand eins og sést á meðfylgjandi myndum.
MIRKA DEROS 5650CV slípisett
- Létt en öflug slípivél fyrir fagmenn og áhugafólk elskar líka.Hjámiðjusnúningur sem gefur bestan árangur og létta vistvæna vinnu.Tengt við ryksugu er vinnan nánast ryklaus og "brushless" mótor tryggir þægilega hljóðvist.Vélin hefur margsannað kosti sína og er ótrúlega öflug og vönduð vél sem þolir allskonar álag.m.barka og sandpappír stórir pakkar með 4 grófleikum 80/120/180/240
- Features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology
- Unique brushless high performance motor
standborvél AP340PD Professional
Elmasonic Select 30
UJK Technology Compact Router Tables
Axminster Trade Spónasog: CT-90H
GRS handfang 901 AT
GRS QC Monarch AT new
Laguna Revo 18/36 and 24/36 Wheel Kits
Málmrennibekkur FD150E
Proxxon Proxxon minnsti
2-stage belt drive and additional electronic control enables spindle speeds up to 5,000rpm. The right cutting speed for even the smallest pieces. For face turning, longitudinal turning, boring, taper turning, slicing and drilling. Complete with 3-jaw chuck and live centre. Centre distance 150mm. Swing 55mm. Height over cross slide 33mm.
Machine bed with dovetail guides of continuous casting aluminium.