- Dimensions: 6″L
- Material: Wax
- Form: Wire
- Gauge: 14 ga.
- Melt Temperature: 167°F (75°C)
- Thickness: 0.064″ (1.63mm)
- Spool Package Quantity: 6 ozs.
- Brand: Modeler’s
- Shipping Weight: 9.014 ounces (255.552g)
- Country Of Origin: United States
9.720 kr. Original price was: 9.720 kr..8.748 kr.Current price is: 8.748 kr..
This 14-gauge Modeler’s™ blue round wax wire is a great choice for decorative work such as scrollwork, weaving and interlacing. The wax is easy to sculpt and form and is easily steam de-waxed.
This Modeler’s™ wax wire is manufactured to high standards and delivers exceptional consistency and significant price savings; this value is enhanced by larger package quantities we offer (often at the same price as smaller packages available elsewhere).
The wax wire is 6″ long.
Nokkrar afhendingarleiðir eru í boði og er það valið í lok kaupferlis í vefversluninni.
Hægt er að ganga frá kaupum í vefversluninni en koma sjálfur og sækja pakkann í verslun okkar Bolholti 4, 105 Reykjavík ( 0kr.)
Pósturinn tekur allar almennar sendingar og skilar þeim annaðhvort á næsta pósthús (890 kr.) eða á uppgefið heimilisfang (1.490 kr.).
Almennt miðast við að vörusendingar skili sér innan 48 klst. til viðtakanda. Komi vörupöntun fyrir kl. 12 á hádegi þá sendum við hana af stað samdægurs og ætti sendingin að skila sér daginn eftir.
Einnig er hægt að hafa samband við okkur í síma eða í upplýsingaboxi í pöntunarferli sé óskað eftir að fá vöru afhenta samdægurs (1.580 kr.)
Stærri sendingar er hægt að senda með þeirri flutningaþjónustu sem kaupandi óskar eftir að nota. Skráið í textabox hvaða flutningafélag þið óskið eftir að fá vöruna senda með þegar greitt er fyrir vöruna og pakkinn er sendur á ykkar kostnað á það heimilisfang sem uppgefið er í pöntuninni.
Made by Ferris®, this blue wax block is ideal for machining in CNC mills (and fits the large fixture of the Roland mill). Its hardness and higher melt temperature make this block ideal for carving with high-speed equipment—machine it, shape it, slice it with great detail and accuracy. Each block is manufactured to precise specifications to ensure dependable, professional-quality results. Blue Ferris® wax is bendable and is especially well-suited to items needing flexibility (a 1/8" piece can bend up to 90°).
The industry standard for detailed carving waxes, Ferris® waxes are easily turned on a lathe and burn out cleanly from flasks. Low ash content makes these waxes perfect for investment casting and lost wax patterns.
This Ferris® Turquoise wax ring tube features a round profile and a centered hole to give you a head start in the carving work. The basic shape of a band is provided, meaning there is less time spent in removing unneeded material from the wax form. Ferris® Turquoise carving wax has good density and hardness, yet isn’t brittle, making it ideal for milling prongs. Its smooth surface finish works exceptionally well in recessed areas. This wax is formulated to perform beautifully for traditional hand-carving as well as in high-speed milling equipment; its non-gummy formula won’t clog tools or load hand files.
The industry standard for detailed carving waxes, Ferris® waxes are easily turned on a lathe and burn out cleanly from flasks. Low ash content makes these waxes perfect for investment casting and lost wax patterns.
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